Should Pluto be a Planet?

Do you Think that Pluto Should be a Planet?

By: Ella Grace

Do you know the saying My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Nachos? Standing for Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Should there be another word or not? Maybe Pizza for Pluto. Well, in the two articles “What is a Planet” by Nasa and “When is a Planet Not a Planet” by Daniel Santos, they talk about if Pluto should be a dwarf planet or stay a planet. I strongly believe that pluto should be a planet because of criteria and bad vote.

My first reason for why I strongly believe that Pluto should be a planet is that there are 3 criterions for a planet to be a planet. In the sources that I read, the three criterions are: “{1} Orbit the sun, {2} Be massive enough for it’s own gravity to have pulled it into a sphere, and {3} Have cleared other objects form it’s orbital neighborhood.” When saying, “ clearing from it’s own neighborhood,” it means to know “How big is the neighborhood?” Also, “How clear must a planet makes its orbit?” Pluto only fails the last criterion. Because it only fails one of the criteria (a confusing criteria), Pluto should be allowed to be a planet.

I also strongly believe that Pluto should be a planet because not enough IAU members were allowed to vote. In the article “When is a Planet Not a Planet” by Daniel Santos it quotes, “Not enough IAU members were allowed to vote on the new definition. In 2006, about 10,000 astronomers belonged to the IAU. Of those fewer that 500 voted.” So not everyone got to vote and state their opinion on if Pluto should be a planet. Because of this evidence, I strongly believe Pluto should be a planet.

In conclusion, those are two reasons on why I strongly believe that pluto should indeed be a planet. After reading the two articles, I gathered evidence that supports my opinion.

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