Category: Uncategorized

UT Band

University of Tennessee Steel Drum Band

UT Steel Drum Band from Jordan Haney on Vimeo.

By February 26, 2016.  No Comments on UT Band  Uncategorized   

Week 25 In the Bag

This week was spectacular, we did our ” Haney Court Papers. ” My partner and I finished our opinion and imformative songs. We had a thing called ” Dads and Donuts .” We went in our gym to listen to the awesome steel band UT band. It was quite loud. Last, but not least, we had a thing called ” Dining with th Rams .” Those are a few things we did this week!IMG_5775

Week 24

This week was pretty good. My partner and I did our court cases. We worked on our songs. We had an inservice day. No school!! Lastly we had a Valentine’s Party! This is how my week at school went.IMG_5691

By February 19, 2016.  No Comments on Week 24  Uncategorized   

Rescue Dogs

Rescue Dogs

By: Ella Grace

Did you know that dog breeds like Border Collies and Avalanche Rescue Dogs are very helpful in life? In these two informative essays I read, “It’s a Dog’s Life” by Rebecca Upjohn Snyder and “Hide-and-Seek School” by Vivienne Lenk, it provides us with details story of the dogs hard work that they do to achieve there pride in their work. I will be comparing and contrasting these two recent articles I read. Keep on reading to find out some similarities and differences

In these two articles, they both have many similarities. For example, in the informative essay “It’s a Dog’s Life” and “Hide-and-Seek School” they talk about how the dogs work and train hard to help people or animals. In the text “It’s a Dog’s Life” it states, “A man, a dog, one command, and 50 sheep run to where David wants them. It looks simple, but it’s not. David and his dogs work as a team.” What the story is telling us is that David gets the man, the dogs, and the sheep where he wants them to be, but it is not as easy than you think. Also, in the story it tells us,they have to be at the right distance to be able go herd the animals without So David and his dogs works as a team. Working as a team is work. In comparison the story “Hide-and-Seek School,”quotes, “The dogs are trained to find people buried in avalanches,” and the evidence of this quote, “Finding an avalanche victim without the use of a dog takes a lot of people time and resources. One trained dog can find a victim in a matter of minutes.”

Those dogs help petrified people and avalanches are very rough. If you don’t know what an avalanche is, it’s snow and ice that tumbled over people. So for dogs to train to do that specific type of job, finding people and moving bushy sheep out of the way must be very hard

trying Another example of a similarity for the two stories is that these dogs don’t just train, they get to have some play time. In the story “Hide-and-Seek School,” the informative essay explains, “They do all the things students do on summer vacation—swim, play, and relax. They get to be just dogs. But soon enough they are back in school, happily training to save lives.” So the dogs not only train, but the also get to have some fun playing. In comparison, in the story “It’s a Dog’s Life,” it states, Then the fun begins. Sheep have four feet and kids have only two. Sheep don’t want to go into

small pens. In fact, they want to run as far away from pens and people as they can. When the kids finally give up chasing the sheep, David calls his dogs. Within minutes the dogs pen the   sheep and everyone is laughing. David says that after giving it a try themselves, people will say,  “Oh, it’ s harder than it looks!” There is an example of how the Border Collies get to have some fun as well. In conclusion those are just a few examples of how these two stories are similar. Lets move in to the differences.

These two stories also have numerous differences. In the two stories the dogs have different jobs. For example, in the story “It’s a Dog’s Life” the dogs are moving sheep to where they are supposed to go. In contrast, the story “Hide-and-Seek School,” the dog is finding victims in avalanches. Another difference is that in the story “It’s a Dog’s Life,” the setting is on a farm. In contrast, the story “Hide-and – Seek School,” the setting for the dogs job includes snow. Those are just a few differences that these two informative stories have 

In conclusion, the two stories I read have numerous similarities and difference. If we didn’t have these types of dogs, then who will help us move bush sheep out of our way and get them to where they need to be, and get us out of dangerous avalanches? We should be very lucky or thankful to have these friendly animals to help us. I hope you enjoyed my essay! 

Should Pluto be a Planet?

Do you Think that Pluto Should be a Planet?

By: Ella Grace

Do you know the saying My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Nachos? Standing for Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Should there be another word or not? Maybe Pizza for Pluto. Well, in the two articles “What is a Planet” by Nasa and “When is a Planet Not a Planet” by Daniel Santos, they talk about if Pluto should be a dwarf planet or stay a planet. I strongly believe that pluto should be a planet because of criteria and bad vote.

My first reason for why I strongly believe that Pluto should be a planet is that there are 3 criterions for a planet to be a planet. In the sources that I read, the three criterions are: “{1} Orbit the sun, {2} Be massive enough for it’s own gravity to have pulled it into a sphere, and {3} Have cleared other objects form it’s orbital neighborhood.” When saying, “ clearing from it’s own neighborhood,” it means to know “How big is the neighborhood?” Also, “How clear must a planet makes its orbit?” Pluto only fails the last criterion. Because it only fails one of the criteria (a confusing criteria), Pluto should be allowed to be a planet.

I also strongly believe that Pluto should be a planet because not enough IAU members were allowed to vote. In the article “When is a Planet Not a Planet” by Daniel Santos it quotes, “Not enough IAU members were allowed to vote on the new definition. In 2006, about 10,000 astronomers belonged to the IAU. Of those fewer that 500 voted.” So not everyone got to vote and state their opinion on if Pluto should be a planet. Because of this evidence, I strongly believe Pluto should be a planet.

In conclusion, those are two reasons on why I strongly believe that pluto should indeed be a planet. After reading the two articles, I gathered evidence that supports my opinion.

Week 22

This week was great, most of all. The only bad thing that happened was when I scraped my pinky playing a game called GaGa- Ball. On the other hand the week was great. Lily got first in ticket to read, so we had a pizza party. We did a rescue dog writing prompt. We also did a opinion writing on the debate if Pluto should be a planet or stay a dwarf planet. Last but not least, we had reading buddies.Screen Shot 2015-11-06 at 1.58.30 PM

By February 5, 2016.  No Comments on Week 22  Uncategorized   

Week 21

IMG_5570This week was awesome. We had snow days. I played in the snow with my friends. Also, we had Literary Night. Lily got 1st in the state and country in Ticket to Read. We dressed up like super heroes. I also made Friday Fun Lunch. Lastly, we made a song about punctuating titles.

By January 29, 2016.  3 Comments on Week 21  Uncategorized